I hope everyone had a great weekend. I would have posted yesterday however between grocery shopping and whatnot I just got so busy. I had a really good weekend--my husband was off the weekend so we were able to enjoy it more. Charles had a basketball game, but they didn't win, and I did really good staying within my points.
So today was weigh in day and I'm super proud of myself! I weighed in at 186.4! I have a total loss of 8 pounds! I have to say that seeing results only motivates me more to continue on the path I'm on.
Today I'm going to the track with my friend to walk a couple miles and then I'll probably do some Just Dance 2 on the Wii. It's a lot of fun and gets me sweatin! We are also officially registered for the Color Run on the 19th. We now just have to get our hotel reserved and whatnot. I'm really looking forward to it!
So Here is my food log for today:
1 packet of oatmeal
1 banana
1/2 cup of milk
=7 points
1 turkey sandwich
1 serving of Special K Chips
= 8 points
I haven't had it yet but I will probably have a triangle of some Laughing Cow Cheese and some special K crackers
And if you havent had laughing cow yet, I really enjoy it and it's only 1 point!
=2 points
I'm having shredded pork tacos
-8 points each plus sour cream for 1 point
Pork Taco Recipe

Looks yummy right?!! I can smell it in my crock pot now! So not really a whole lot going on this week. We are waiting for our tax crud to get here so I'll be doing that. I'm adding another cable box in the bedroom because we really need to watch more T.V. LOL. I'm still reading The Help and really enjoying it--I'm getting close to the end though!
I hope everyone has a great day and I can't wait to read up on how you all have been doing!