Yesterday we had a basketball game for Charles and then the boys went to my in-laws for the evening. Jon and I decided to have dinner at Smash Burger followed by some frozen yogurt.
At Smash Burger I had a chicken sandwich that was 11 points. I split the fries with Jon so that was another 7 points. 18 points total. Which is rather high for dinner, but I had a low point lunch and breakfast so I had the points.
What sent me over my points was the frozen yogurt-3 points for 1/2 a cup and I had 1 cup. So 6 points for the frozen yogurt and then when we got home I had some popcorn-about 4 points with the movie that we were watching.
So yes, I did dig into my weekly points this week but not by a whole lot. The main important thing is that I haven't been exercising as much as I should be. This week I'm going to get my butt back on that elliptical and start doing more Just Dance and make sure I'm out on that track almost every day.
For dinner tonight I'm making:
Hamburger Noodle Casserole
This serves 10 and is 7 points plus per serving. I actually pre-made it earlier so that it's ready to go in the oven for dinner. The only things I forgot to add was the green onions--I even had them on my list at the grocery store! I will have this with a salad and some fat free Italian dressing.
So every Tuesday I weigh in. I am trying not to put myself on a schedule. Like I have to lose ___lbs in April. Or whatever month you want to put there. I think it puts more stress on me doing it that way. Instead I'm going into my weeks with the mindset that I'm going to the best that I can do. If I don't lose what I want to lose in a week than I'll try harder next week. I'm not going to let myself get down, especially when I've already come this far.
My stretch marks are coming in more on my stomach area, my sides, and my chest. While I complain about how ugly they are, I am actually rather proud of them. As I lose the weight I see them more--it's a helpful visual to me that I'm making progress.
So anyhoo--I'm hopeful for the week ahead no matter what the outcome of weigh in day is on Tuesday. I just finished reading "The Hunger Games" and if you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. I'm going to start on the 2nd book either today or tomorrow. There are 3 books in the series. My friend bought books 1 and 3 and I bought book 2 so we are going to trade off. I love to read and I'm so excited to have found something new that I love.
Well I hope everyone has a great Sunday and stay optimistic for the week ahead. It's a brand new week and tomorrow's another day to get it right.
Great Post Nicole, your doing awesome.