LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Weigh In Day!! was weigh in day...and guess what? Someone's (ME) happy.

Yes! Yes! Yes! I know I'm doing something right!! Yesterday when Kim & I were in Tyler I almost had a hamburger over a healthier lower point item at Apple-bees. She stuck with the healthier option. I knew I'd end up beating myself up if I ate that hamburger. And it helped that she still stuck with it too--so I didn't chose the hamburger.

Believe it or not--there is a lot that goes through my mind when I'm faced with an option like that. I have to admit though--it gets easier and easier turning things down.

Today has been a pretty busy day today. I took BOTH dogs to the vet to finish up on there vaccinations and get them some heartworm/flea/tick monthly meds. That was fun. Remmy has to get neutered in a month! If you haven't already, I think it's VERY VERY important to get your animals spayed/neutered. I get updates from the local shelter and you wouldn't believe how many unwanted pets there are.

Okay--so off my ramble. I'm about to take Charles to basketball practice here in a few and Kim is going to take their pictures for the season! I just wanted to post a quick update! Thanks to everyone who is following my journey!!