I've been doing really well so far as far as tracking my points. I've managed to stay on top of tracking except for yesterday. We were in town and doing some running around. I did really well except for those fries I had at Smash Burger (with my grilled chicken.)
My appointment to the RA doctor is tomorrow morning and I'm pretty excited about it. I"ll finally have a diagnosis and get some treatment (I hope.)
I borrowed the workout DVD "The Firm" from a friend and I loved it so I bought my own copy today. It's the dance one and the work outs were a lot of fun. I also tried these Smart Ones fudge cake that were 4 points and O.M.G...they were to die for!! So if you have a chocolate craving, I'd highly recommend those!
Tonight for dinner we are having Chilli. It's cold outside so I thought, why not? And it's weight watchers friendly. It's called Souper Chili.
Anyhoo--I'll let ya know how it turns out tomorrow. I hope everyone is having a great weekend and thank you for reading!
I have had that Chili, good stuff. Hugs to ya!